Speculative Fiction in Translation: A Wrap-Up

It’s been an honor to bring you some of my favorite works of SF in Translation! I hope these posts have inspired you to read across borders and genres. See below for a list of this past month’s posts and more.

April 3: SFT: An Introduction

April 5: The Queue (tr from the Arabic)

April 6: The Three-Body Trilogy (tr from the Chinese)

April 7: Kontakt (tr from the Croatian)

April 8: Dreams From Beyond (tr from the Czech)

April 9: The Rabbit Back Literature Society (tr from the Finnish)

April 10: The Cathedral of Mist (tr from the French)

April 11: Memoirs of a Polar Bear (tr from the Japanese)

April 12: Dolly City (tr from the Hebrew)

April 14: Sunburnt Faces (tr from the Hebrew)

April 16: The Mission (tr from the Hungarian)

April 17: Dissipatio H. G. (tr from the Italian)

April 18: BloodBusters (tr from the Italian)

April 19: Dendera (tr from the Japanese)

April 20: Legend of the Galactic Heroes Vol 1: Dawn (tr from the Japanese)

April 21: One Hundred Shadows (tr from the Korean)

April 22: The Old Axolotl: Hardware Dreams (tr from the Polish)

April 23: Solaris (tr from the Polish)

April 24: Solarpunk (tr from the Portuguese)

April 25: Vita Nostra (tr from the Russian)

April 26: Twelve: A Romanian Science-Fiction Anthology (tr from the Romanian)

April 27: The Inhabited Island (tr from the Russian)

April 28: The Bottom of the Sky (tr from the Spanish)

April 29: Wicked Weeds (tr from the Spanish)

Also, be sure to check out the first comprehensive reference book on SF in translation since 1960: Out of This World: Speculative Fiction in Translation from the Cold War to the New Millennium, out from the University of Illinois Press in December.

Rachel Cordasco has a PhD in literary studies and currently works as a developmental editor. She founded the website SFinTranslation.com in 2016, writes reviews for World Literature Today and Strange Horizons, and translates Italian speculative fiction, some of which has been published in magazines like Clarkesworld Magazine and Future Science Fiction Digest. Her translation (with Jennifer Delare) of Clelia Farris’s collection Creative Surgery came out in September 2020 from Rosarium Publishing. Rachel’s book Out of This World: Speculative Fiction in Translation From the Cold War to the New Millennium is forthcoming from the University of Illinois Press.


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