#WorldKidLit Wednesday: A Swallow in Winter

This book was an impulse buy at my local bookshop in December last year. I was stocking up on Christmas presents and the beautiful cover by Thomas Campi caught my eye. When I noticed that the book was written by award-winning French author Timothée de Fombelle, I didn’t hesitate. A Swallow in Winter is a … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: A Swallow in Winter

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: The Box

“What was that box doing there in the middle of the forest? It was a mystery.” It’s not every day that a strange box, large enough for someone to hide in, arrives in the woods. And it has the local animals wondering from the moment they wake. They are full of questions, and then anticipation, … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: The Box

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: Kamusari Tales Told at Night

Kamusari Tales Told at Night is the second book in Shion Miura’s young adult Forest Series. Narrator Yuki Hirano picks up the story around six months after The Easy Life in Kamusari ended. If you haven’t read the first book, not to worry. A sizable chunk of the opening chapter is a recap of the … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: Kamusari Tales Told at Night

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: Elephant Island

Elephants are not generally considered to be seafaring animals although they do come with built-in snorkels. When Arnold the elephant’s boat sinks, his snorkel proves very useful. He ends up on a tiny island, which, hilariously, is no larger than one of his legs. Some might despair at this situation; not so Arnold! His snorkel … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: Elephant Island

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: Cicada

Office work can be dull, monotonous and thankless, especially for a cicada. In Cicada, a picture book aimed at high school readers, author/illustrator Shaun Tan reinvents the eponymous insect of the title as a data entry clerk. For seventeen years, Cicada has worked late, never taken a sick day, and received very little in return. … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: Cicada

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: War

War is stealthy and secretive, slithering snake-like through the countryside. War is monstrous: an army of giant insects marching towards their target. This picture book, aimed at readers ages 9-12, packs a powerful punch from the opening pages. Striking illustrations in somber tones and sparse text help guide the reader’s exploration of this complex subject. … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: War

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: The Easy Life in Kamusari

Imagine leaving high school in a bustling metropolis and being sent deep into the mountains as a trainee forester. And—horror of horrors—having your mobile phone disabled on the day you arrive. This is what happens to Yuki Hirano, an eighteen-year-old Japanese boy, who freely admits that study is not his thing. Well, life in the … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: The Easy Life in Kamusari

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: The Wonder of the World Leaf

In today’s #WorldKidLit Wednesday review, let's travel to the Caribbean island of Trinidad, where Wygenia uses bush medicine to help heal her Grannie. The Wonder of the World Leaf is aimed at readers ages 6-8, who are reading confidently and fluently most of the time. My edition is a slim 32-page paperback with short paragraphs … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: The Wonder of the World Leaf

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: Little Bear’s Treasures

A shiny button, a soft cloud, a bush full of blueberries. Why, they’re treasures of course! At least they are to Little Bear; not so to the other animals he meets, who dismiss his finds as “junk.” Until Little Bear meets Little Bird. “‘Ooo, a magic stick!’ said Little Bird.” Aha! Finally, a creature after … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: Little Bear’s Treasures

#WorldKidLit Wednesday: Me and the Robbersons

Originally written in Finnish, Me and the Robbersons has been translated into over 20 languages since it was first published in 2010. And little wonder. This middle grade novel is bursting with fabulous characters, humor and adventure, and is thoroughly readable to boot. The star of the show is 10-year-old Maisie, who is heading to … Continue reading #WorldKidLit Wednesday: Me and the Robbersons